
Energy production.

We can see how risky it is to have a nuclear power plant providing our daily energy needs, but unfortunately it is convenient at the moment... at least until something happens and our 'convenient' source of electricity begins to spill deadly radioactive particles that begin to kill us slowly and usually in a very nasty way. Japan's current crisis is the best example of this scenario, so we as society have to think of alternate ways to generate our daily electricity needs. Fission power is still common but very dangerous and its spent fuel is a risk for the next 1,000 years or so. Fusion power is not yet available or technologically feasible as of this time and age. Coal and Gas, though many improvements have been reached to reduce greenhouse gases, they are still some of the biggest pollutants in the world. Solar, wind, tidal, geothermal, these are the current best 'green' options, but it seems governments are not very interested in investing in them, and we can ass...

Cane Sugar Vs Fructose "Sugar"

I just saw on TV an ad about how fructose sugar was the same as cane sugar and did some little research of my own, with so many points of view on the internet and trying to focus on the facts is a little hard nowadays. But this ad immediately made me laugh as the woman spoke and said: "Sugar is sugar and your body can't tell the difference" Corn based high fructose syrup is indeed made from corn, but hardly ends there, it has to be processed artificially in order to add or change it to a flavor similar to sugar. Link Sugar is made from, well, you guessed it right, sugar cane and the very process uses just water and heat. If sugar is sugar and our bodies cannot tell the difference then one wonders why we are not cooking with engine oil, after all oil is oil right? To put it simple, the human body is a machine, feed it bad fuel, and it breaks down rapidly or worse it malfunctions, artificial foods are not natural, and therefore they do not help the body. You want another sa...


Here's some food for thought... It is well known and widely accepted that to stay healthy and avoid getting sick one has to avoid being around sick people, yet at the same time every little sickness we get like flu, cold, cough, etc. Makes us a little stronger and impervious to a similar strain of the sickness we recovered from. But what about being infected through the internet? Sounds crazy... right? I mean, that would be like saying people can get sick for watching tv, watching the news, hearing the weather report or news about some sick people on the other side of the world... Yeah... crazy talk... But let me put it this way... Every time, every hour, every day we spend on the internet we are usually in contact with people in real time in other parts of the country or the world, keyword here being 'contact'. How often do we hear those people on the other side of the world are sick with something as simple as a flu or cold, and we are also at the same time sick, we were ...

The universe: closer than you think.

People and scientist always do their best to explain the world around us using complex terms but if I recall something about my lessons was that everything can always be reduced and explained in its simplest form without the need of getting too complicated. Take the universe for example: Science has told us that the universe was born in a big explosion, but we have no actual 'proof' of that it is still a theory. Science has also theorized the existence and behavior of black holes but then again they are 'theory' only we still have yet to see the proof of their existence. Through science slowly grows and improves itself to prove each theory, I think we can get a lot of answers just looking around ourselves and I came with the following exercise: *Go outside your house or apartment or wherever you live, for this simple exercise we will picture a sandy beach with rolling waves on one side and grassy patches on the other. *Lean down and pick up a single grain of sand. *Hold...


I was raised to be Christian, well at least that is what my parents taught me, I went to a private school with Christian beliefs and teachings about the basics of Christian life and lessons from the bible. I must say that back then it did make sense, it gave me the basic foundations to be a 'good' person both in society and in general and like many other children my age we rarely questioned such teachings. But eventually as I moved to high school and college the view of the taught beliefs started to change and finally decided that I should be an atheist. If everything we are and can be is already pre-determined then what is the point in actually striving to reach it, it will be given anyway regardless of what we do, and we can use such beliefs to say "it was not my fault, it was meant to be this way" when I firmly believe everything we do on our own really defines the path we follow and pave for ourselves. But also one cannot think that we did it on our own either, a...