Cane Sugar Vs Fructose "Sugar"

I just saw on TV an ad about how fructose sugar was the same as cane sugar and did some little research of my own, with so many points of view on the internet and trying to focus on the facts is a little hard nowadays.

But this ad immediately made me laugh as the woman spoke and said: "Sugar is sugar and your body can't tell the difference"

Corn based high fructose syrup is indeed made from corn, but hardly ends there, it has to be processed artificially in order to add or change it to a flavor similar to sugar.


Sugar is made from, well, you guessed it right, sugar cane and the very process uses just water and heat.

If sugar is sugar and our bodies cannot tell the difference then one wonders why we are not cooking with engine oil, after all oil is oil right?

To put it simple, the human body is a machine, feed it bad fuel, and it breaks down rapidly or worse it malfunctions, artificial foods are not natural, and therefore they do not help the body. You want another sample if this? Try potato chips made with olestra oil, great for making bricks each time you visit the restroom.

So in the end I suggest you grab a bag of sugar next time you go to the store and if you like soft drinks try getting them imported from Mexico, they still make their drinks from sugar there.


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